Here at CBC, we believe that the value of our lives is directly related to the value we place on our relationships. This is due, in part, because we are created in the image of a very relational God, whose very nature is love! (1 John 4:7,8) The things that hinder or harm our relationships with each other (sin and selfishness) also devastate our relationship with God. In spite of this, He so values us that he sent His only son in order that this relationship might be restored. (John 1:12) Being rightly related to God enables and empowers us to become more rightly related to each other. This truth is foundational to our purposes and priorities. Jesus spoke of himself as a type of “good shepherd” that not only guides his “sheep”, but actually “gives his life” for them. (John 10:11) Three times on the last night of his earthly life Jesus told his followers that they were to love each other as God loved them. (John 13:34; 15:9, 12) It is our sincere desire and design that everything we do draws people closer to this remarkable God and to each other.